August 22, 2010

ongoing acute ontology crisis

Text field.

Cleaning mildew from the back porch and the shower. Why is it wet and pink the shower, and dry and black on the porch?

Why does it take so much energy and willpower to do the simplest things? I have suffered from a form of acute paranoia ever since I remember. I am a great believer in the actual truth of "the unconscious mind." There is something in me that edits out thoughts constantly, burying them in misdirection and static. This high energy static feeds the infernal voice engine that never shuts up, hovering over a black hole, stitches in the fabric go zzzzzt KER-PoOoOoOoW!

This brand of soap scum remover is a total rip-off. No scrub my ass! It's all about the elbow grease. Spotty infection, evidence of my neglect, the down-tuned, corrosive manifestation of the great dark editor upstairs. How can we escape the universal lazy arm laser eye? Make advertisements that advertise against advertising!

Here is why it is pink in the shower. Not mold, a bacteria, Serratia Marcescens.

What is the difference between uninformed thought and a mind that has access to "facts" instantly? Does being able to look something up discourage the active fantasy life, the ability of the mind to wander through pleasurable tunnels? It is this that is the most interesting question about how the mind has changed in these times. Wikipedia, and to an extent other sources of data such as documentary/instructional videos, image search, search engines - they are not the things at the envelope of new technology at all anymore - more like the foundations of all the changes that are currently happening. But in the historical scale of things, having such immediate access to "facts" is brand-new, and our culture, our art, has not understood/absorbed...

I will study minds that are a product of the net in a state of acute disconnection from the net - at an artificially-edited moment when the hunger for "facts" is strongly-felt, and frustrated. It is my home that this will be a late portrait of humanity, a portrait in thought-clouds of a wildly reeling massmind before the uprushing moment of complete connection, absorption, and sublimation.

The above paragraph is about the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge slash Animated Gif project. Poetry with footnotes, flights of fancy with GPS radio contact full body monitoring neuroscan zappers.

Molecule, atom, subatomic particles, quarks, strings. Nonono! The myth is of the hierarchy because this is what fits our baboon machinery, but the reality is an interdependent web of facts. Learning is a practice, instruction is an art. I wish to instruct. The documentary is the art of facts. The "facts" are out there in the world, but they are understood by out monkeyminds through metaphor, through grooming, through words, through pictures. Feynman says that words make us think that we know, but says his understanding goes beyond words. This is an interesting challenge to science, an almost mystical claim. I want to focus on the beautiful words. Show the images which are useful but not representational. Use two paths to two goals - the path of poetry and the path of art --- to the goal of showing the truth about the world and the goal of showing how we create the truth about the world.

Show earlier version; absorb, question, discuss, sketch, expand, edit, argue, wonder. The subterfuge of the hierarchy, the building of knowledge.

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