August 19, 2010

Henry's co-inky-dink.

Henry, from Post Extended Pizza Network dot notreally, posted a video;

Gestures from João Machado on Vimeo.

This really really looks like the video I'm making for Rose's show that I shot last X-mas of my family's hands. The video that was represented but not exemplified by "AND THE FAR SIDE IS JUST SO AWESOME":

I never will understand why this video just doesn't TAKE OFF!

Anyway - I've been thinking about this hands idea for so long I forgot I didn't just OWN them.

Here's what I do for a living; I just set up my laptop so that I could put my hands under it so I could PLAY ALONG with the Gestures video. To see what it felt like. I could tell you, and maybe I will, but not for free.

I'm interested in flirting with the so called rubber hand illusion, as explained here. Hmmmmm...

I'm so ob-sest with the video I've been working on!

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