July 24, 2010


After encountering an absence in the video compendium entry below, I decided to upload a very strange and obsessive video that I made at school in 2008 that has been ripening in a hard drive somewhere.

It's a lot easier to understand these things with headphones.



Here's what I wrote in the video description;

"An experiment in using the collective consciousness as expressed by the (mis)translation inherent in machine translation to predict what it will be like to be a sentient being of Earth origin in the future. It is my prediction that this project will make sense in 50 years.

I started with an original text in English in which I made my best attempt to "channel" my future self via a process akin to a shamanic vision quest. I then "tuned" this pauvre original by using google translate (circa 2007) to translate it back and forth from English to Greek, Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. I iterated this process five times for each language to produce five highly devolved and dissimilar parallel texts.

I then used my judgment to edit together a video that incorporated all the elements that I did not understand, the elements that fit the least with my intentions, the elements that seemed the most overwhelming to my minds tiny demands for logic. I edited in this fashion because I figure that the massively parallel cybernetic mind of the future will communicate in a manner well-nigh indecipherable to our primitive animal minds.

Finally, I used a low-mixed vocoder tuned to a typical traditional Japanese scale to signal these different "voices."

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