July 23, 2010

Video Compendium

I am currently "between websites" so this post represents the easiest place to find a bunch of videos I've done over the past few years. These videos are ones that are part of my art practice, not just videos of me dancing on a table...

I can't tell whether this is under or over-whelming. Sadly, this is only a "select few" of the various videos I've made. Sometimes I think the only advantage to being an artist is that you can say - there! - THAT's how I frittered away my time...


First in today's series is "Parsing the Panoptic Fugue, the Visuo-Cognitive Disambiguation of a Figurative Array Drawn Through a Loop." (I can't believe I still remember that whole title.) There's two more hours just like this...

Here's another formative project, made in China, where I asked people to describe what they saw. I think I started to realize something, cause I'm still way into that old trick...

The video is really compressed - here's the image they are talking about:

Then there was this next unfinished thing. Sigh...

Then I was learning to animate and set things to music. There's been a lot of music. This video was uploaded so early in the history of youtube, it's just a mess.

The "stars" in the background of this video are made of mold growing on the ceiling of the shower in my Mom and Dad's house:

The above video lead directly to the "Perceival" animated videos. See also:this website where actual comments may be read.

Here is the ever-popular one where Dina Danish and I try to dance each other's dances by only reading each others' choreography;

The following video I am still pretty involved with. It relates to some drawing work I've done about copying the copy, but this is a video post, so I'll not go into that. Can you tell how this was made?

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