July 4, 2010

Modern Gwazda

Hello people of Earth!

Let's pretend you already know me.

Many moons ago I kept a blog called SYNESTHETIC SUPERSCAM. It was a lot of fun, but now I want to start blogging again. Reading some of those old posts, I realize that I can't just pick up where I left off; I want to do things differently now. THAT Blog was very inner-directed, in an "In my room" kind of way.

THIS Blog is about my engagement with the community through my art practice. I am writing this as a way to make the time I spend working on art in the studio (or on public transportation, or in bed, or in the shower) more about engagement with the world. I want to SHARE what I am working on, looking at, reading and thinking about with a community that is located somewhere outside my own brain pan.

I don't know yet exactly what the aesthetics of this blog are going to be, or exactly how I'm going to write. Beginning this endeavor represents a promise to myself to focus on realizing some of the projects that I have been working on, to spend a little bit more time working in the studio, to be more engaged with the community, and to support my friends and peers.

I'm also going to try to keep things a little more succinct.

Good bye people of Earth!

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