July 23, 2010

Enter the studio...


Once I had a blog and I was in the habit of writing pretty often. But now, for a couple of reasons, I'm finding it difficult to publish.

First of all, at this point in my life I'm less interested in sharing intimate details about my private goings-on and thoughts. Or maybe I have just come to understand that these details are not as interesting as I once believed them to be. Huh-ha, maybe I'm just a sold-out old fart.

Secondly, I'm moderately busy and I'm not 100% sure about my strategy of using a blog - one of the world's most mercilessly efficient time-wasters - to motivate myself to get more work done in the studio. What was I thinking?

In any case, I've been putting together a few posts to start me off and I was thinking about publishing them to get myself into the swing of things.

By the way, if you read all the way to the end of this article just to find a link to the full discography of my band, "The Buttmops" - well, forget about it. A very mean man named Danny is responsible for your chagrin.

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