May 19, 2011

Video for "Pleasure" by BLONDES

Hello there -

I haven't been keeping this blog up too much recently, but I thought I would post to let you know about the video "Pleasure" I just finished for the group BLONDES. It should be live now, and it will probably premiere on XLR8R.

I am looking to create more videos - my artist website is It is a very cool website, so check it out.

There is a description on the Vimeo site that reads:

"Assembled entirely from animated gifs - scientific diagrams, mathematical figures, representations of data, and renderings of simulated systems, this video appropriates images meant to serve as a rational demonstration of logical concepts and transmogrifies them into a cosmic trip.

In the same way that BLONDES use analogue instruments to humanize electronica and create psychedelic soundscapes, this video explores irrational paths to knowledge and investigates how information is processed into meaningful experience."

Because you are awesome enough to have found this post, here is a list of some of the things you may see in the video:

Electron orbital configurations
Epicycloid k=1 (cardioid)
Exoplanet Formalhaut b
Firing cascade in neural axon
Gravitational lensing (Einstein ring)
High frequency active auroral research program
Hypercube rotation in 4D
Karman vortex street
Low earth orbiting satellite constellation for GPS
Modelling of particles in loop quantum gravity
Observations of supermassive black hole at center of Milky Way
Protein folding
Simulation of dark matter's effect on galactic rotation
Simulation of evolution of protoplanetary disk
Simulation of Sculptor Supercluster
Simulation of stellar core during supernova
Topological structures: torus
X-ray diffraction pattern crystallography

Here are some awesome stills:

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