September 1, 2010

Arrrrr - Photoshop

When You've Finished Typing, Don't Press "Enter" or "Return"

There's one slight problem (well, more of an annoyance than a problem, really, although it can't be helped) when entering type, as you may have already discovered on your own. When you've finished entering your text, your natural instinct would tell you to press Enter (Win) or Return (Mac) to have Photoshop accept your text. Problem is, when you hit Enter or Return, instead of accepting your text, Photoshop simply moves you down to the next line so you can continue typing.

So how do we get Photoshop to accept the text and exit us out of typing mode then? If you have an extended keyboard with a number pad on it, you can use the Enter or Return key on the number pad. If you don't have an extended keyboard, just use your mouse to select one of the other tools from the Tools palette, which will kick Photoshop out of type mode and accept your text at the same time.

Keyboard Shortcuts Don't Work While Typing

This is one of those things that some people find completely obvious while others didn't even think of, but keyboard shortcuts won't work while you're entering text into your Photoshop document. The reason is because, if, for example, you were to use the keyboard shortcut "B" to access the Brush Tool while typing, Photoshop will simply think you wanted to type the letter B into the document, and it will do exactly that. Same with any of the other keyboard shortcuts. Photoshop has no way of distinguishing between regular letters and keyboard shortcuts while in Type mode, so it assumes every letter you type is text. You'll have to exit out of Type mode to use keyboard shortcuts again.


  1. instead of clicking on the toolbar to switch out of a photoshop text box, you can just command-click (on a mac) anywhere outside of the text box. This is enter the type so that you can create another text box, or free up your keyboard to use shortcut commands to switch tools. tips n trix!

  2. Henry - Command click didn't work. But I was messing around and found that command-return works. It's a rare day.
