October 24, 2010

Cool local art journal I just found

Article Journal

How to write

I found this critical analysis of the writing MFA system to be fascinating - thinking about the way that systems normalize themselves and become conservative, the parallels with the Art MFA system, as well as the differences.

I've been thinking about alternative ways of creatively putting together words - ways that stand outside the Writing MFA system. For example, there is a lot of writing in the visual arts. "Mortal Treasures" is clearly a creative work that involves the use of language - using both the techniques of narrative storytelling and abstract poetics. But as a video art work it has its roots in collage, both in terms of technique of creation, intended effect, and its art historical roots. The fully closed and depressingly terminal system that is described in the linked article makes for a great horror story, and I would not argue with the claim that such academic systems are inherently conservative in the way the author describes, but all systems are open and therefore unstable. The writing that is happening in the art world is just one example of the many grey areas that are potentially rich grounds for experimentation, growth, and revolution.

Not that I have such a lofty opinion of my own work, but I did feel a great freedom while creating it - editing on FinalCut - that I do not feel when writing any handwritten (as opposed to collaged) text for public consumption.

October 18, 2010

the creative process

Don't know whether I should say that I understand this perfectly, or that it is my goal to one day understand just a small portion of this...

Thanks 2 Regina.

October 17, 2010

Website "Pre-Launch" for Martina }{ Johnston

Henry and I have been working on the website for my house gallery - Martina }{ Johnston. It's not polished yet - but the show is coming up, so it is live. That's what "Pre-Launch" means to me.

Check it out, yo! Check it check it out!

I'm looking for feedback on this. Bio-feedback!

October 16, 2010


This blog post title is in a muppet voice if you didn't get that.

Anyway - you might need flash to look at this, but they don't call zooming "zooming" cause it isn't fun.


October 15, 2010

Preview of New Film

This is a short preview of the film I will be showing at Memory Mine (! fb link), at Santa Clara University. The actual film is much more narrative and structured, and I've left out my favorite parts cause they resonate too effectively for me to allow them to be splashed slapdash all over the internet - dig? Also, the film will be installed in a very specific way (hint: I'm using an Arduino board...).

I will never run out of things to say about this film, but I'm hoping to cut a few minutes off the neverending dialogue before my 45 minute Artist Talk on Nov. 4th.